Field of Dreams

Sometimes I like other people suffer from The Field of Dreams mentality. Meaning I’m guilty of thinking from time to time, “If you build it, they will come.” Well unfortunately that’s not how stuff works. Yeah I know it sucks, but if no one knows about something, how are they to know it exists?

As I stated the other day, I started a TeeSpring store (<– you can view it there, if you like) One bad thing is the store name is hard to remember So I decided to buy a domain name, because that is much easier to remember, than the TeeSpring url. Plans are to actually make a website, but if you’ve been following this site, I’m sure that you can figure out the chances of that. lol

I’m always open to advice, so if you have any ideas, please leave them in the comments.

If nothing else, checkout the Stay Weird shirt I made

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