May 20th, 2001

For those of you that don’t know, I was in a car accident on May 20th, 2001. From the car accident, they removed 3 inches of skin from my forehead, leaving me with Traumatic Brain Injury, and a pinched nerve in my shoulder. You can see pics of me after I got out of the hospital, on the page Horses Don’t Tickle

Shortly after my accident I bought this domain When I originally started, it was supposed to be geared towards comedy and it took off like wildfire, I had people joining everyday. Well at the time a supposed friend was my webmaster, he kept on changing things on me, I had to keep rebuilding the fan base. Long story short something else happened, he got his panties in a bunch, and he deleted my website. So I studied and learned how to be my own webmaster.

Over the years, I kept trying to figure out which direction I wanted to go with F’N Mental. Even though I’m really into comedy, there’s plenty of other sites that are geared towards comedy, me wanting to be different, I tried to come up with different ideas. At onetime when my depression was really bad, I thought about writing a blog on living with TBI. After reading the posts that I was writing, I started getting more depressed. So F’N Mental was working different then what I thought it was, instead of bringing me out of depression, it was sinking me more into depression.

After, thinking about it, I’ve decided to make F’N Mental my online journal. Because what can be more different then me?

Right now, I cannot make any promises as to how much I will post, but I’m going to try and post a few times a week. With that being said, you might read anything, but what you do read, will be about me and my life. Hopefully you enjoy the journey, I know I will enjoy writing about it, because I learned to love life and I’m thankful for everyday I get.

If you’re wondering how I’m winning my battle with depression. It’s all has to do with a book that my Uncle Eddie gave me, it’s called How to Win Friends & Influence People (the link takes you to Amazon) The book is truly one of he best gifts that I ever got. It taught me how to love myself. If you’re battling with depression, I suggest you read the book, it will be the best $9.00 that you ever spend. If you want to talk to me, you can contact me on Facebook, I plan on building the contact page, but I haven’t gotten around to it.

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